Support the Boosters

The boosters support the students and staff of the Bothell Highschool Drama Program. below are ways you can support the boosters.


What Do the Boosters Do?

We are a group of parents, and community members that volunteer, and raise money to support students and staff of the Drama program.

The booster board is made up of volunteers that handle the nitty gritty of fundraising, communicating with the program director, communicating with parents, and the general.

There are many volunteer oppourtunities throughout the year. When we have shows: selling concessions, helping to staff the ticket booth, usher, assist with makeup and keeping the kids moving back stage. Throughout the year we also help feed the kids during rehearsals and help the costumer with fitting and sewing costumes and props.

The boosters also raise money every year to support the drama program. One of the big things we support with that money is our college scholarship program. Every year we award at least $2000 to students graduating from the drama program. We also fund scholarships throughout the year to ensure all students are able to participate in drama opportunities.


Ways to Donate

Direct Donation: 

By check :

BHS Drama Boosters 

P.O. Box 1535

Bothell, WA 98041-1535

Bothell High School Theater Arts Booster Club is a 501c3 nonprofit and donations are tax deductible. 

Company Matching:

Many companies will match your donation of time or money to a nonprofit, and BHS Drama Boosters is a 501c3 nonprofit. If your company has not previously donated to BHS Drama Boosters, you will need our Tax ID, which is available upon request. 



Board and Chair Open Positions:

Watch this space for volunteer oppourtunities throughout the year!

If you would like to make a theatrical donation (i.e. Costumes, furniture, tools etc...) please contact Mrs. Glass at or call BHS Drama at (425) 408 7045